Dr. Janet Kinney, Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Kinney is available for the following workshops and presentations.


Maintaining Integrity
An interactive psychoeducation program designed to challenge and encourage individuals to be true-to-self independent of other people and circumstances of life. Topics include: Identity, Assertive and effective communication skills, Keeping your cool through managing stress, and Attending to self-esteem.

Parenting Seminar 
An interactive psychoeducational program comprised of six 2-hour sessions designed to encourage, equip, and energize parents. Topics include: Effective parenting through stress management, Parenting issues related to specific developmental stages, Assertive and effective communication skills; Getting kids to listen without raising your voice, Building Self-esteem and self-confidence, Effective means of disciplining your children, How to handle teenagers and behavior problems at all ages.

Adults with Aging Parents: Alzheimer’s/ Dementia
An interactive, psychoeducational program for individuals caring for aging parents or other family members. Cognitive, physical, behavioral, and social aspects of the disease are discussed.

Compassion Fatigue/ Vicarious Traumatization 
Interactive psychoeducational program developed and presented to individuals who work with traumatized clients (e.g., sexual assault counsellors, victim advocates, court workers). Three one-day workshops sponsored by Crime Victim Services Commission, Michigan Department of Community Health, The School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University.

From Victim/Survivor Mode to Victorious, Successful Living 
Interactive psychoeducational program.  Ausience: adult survivors and spouses of survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Individual consultations provided following the workshop.

Recognizing Symptoms of Child Abuse and Promoting Healing
Interactive psychoeducational workshop.  Audience: Sunday school teachers and parents. Equip parents and individuals working with young children with information on the behavioral and physical symptoms generally observed with sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Discuss procedures to follow in reporting, obtaining treatment, and promoting healing.


When things don't go as expected, is the fairy tale shattered?

Learning Styles and Strategies.


Building Self-esteem and Self-confidence. Mothers of Preschoolers.

Vicarious Traumatization and Compassion Fatigue.

Stress Management.   

Postdivorce Parental Relationships and Young Adult Well-being.

Empowering versus Self-defeating Behaviors. 

Spirituality and Psychotherapy.

Developing a Healthy Family: Improving spousal and parental relationships.

Self-Esteem versus Other-Esteem: Developing a healthy self.